I’ve tried to set this up twice and it still not working
these should be the steps to set it up
create a pot called Coin Jar
add a £5 to start your pot off
transactions will only be rounded up if you have more than £10 in your account
transactions must be more than £1
if that doesnt work I should use in app chat to find out why
Its the £10 thing I think had £1.15 and topped up £10 so it was just over and probably didn’t trigger the save.
Ahh well. Thanks for confirming though
it only “saves” the change when you spend over £1 buying something
including hiding the coin jar/…?
Not sure if this has been said as haven’t managed to read the whole thread but I’d really like the option to include the ‘round-ups’ in my actual spend for the day. I budget a lot and the figure for the day can be quite different once round up savings have been included (after all I technically have spent the round up money). Maybe this could be a setting that could be toggled so it’s optional?
Haha this would be fun. Also wouldn’t be tempted to dip back into then as well!
I second this. I’ve actually deleted the jar because of this. It was so hard to keep track of everything
Coin Jar is awesome! Love it!!!
A related feature request…
Please also implement this for Direct Debit and SO payments. In short I never want my Monzo balance to be “.” anything. It should only ever show full £’s – that’d be ‘neat’.
Please ️ this so it gets into the development pipeline
Not to pry, does your salary get paid into Monzo and if so are there any pence? That would mess up the above system.
Obviously if you load the account from a different account yourself, you can make sure it’s whole pounds.
Think he means he wants his salary and post DD balance to also be rounded with coin jar
I really hate it when amounts are rounded up or down in a banking app. They should ALWAYS be shown correctly in full. But if you mean the ability to add to Coin Jar from both outgoing BACS Direct Debits and incoming BACS Credits I agree it would be good to include incoming as well as outgoing, rather than just spending on a card.
I transfer any uneven balance straight to my coin jar. It irritates me when it doesn’t end with 00
I pay in via my own business so it’s in full pounds BUT you make a valid point… Basically any time my account balance has a figure ending < a pound I’d like my coin jar to have that money so that I never see a decimal AND I save at any micro opportunity.
In other words Coin Jar will round off all payments in and out and NOT just the card transactions.
Hopefully that’s cleared up my initial request, thanks for the clarifying Q’s
No worries mate, I did understand what you meant but just wondered if you had realised that as well. So to clarify (sorry )…
Salary comes in at £x.45 -> Transfer 45p to Coin Jar
Direct debit comes out at £x.40 -> Transfer 60p to Coin Jar
Standing order comes out at £x.79 -> Transfer 21p to Coin Jar
Card payment of £x.37 -> Transfer 63p to Coin Jar
Exactly! & Beautifully exelimpfied (that a word ?!
This is a great idea and keep track of it all the time.
What I think would be great, is to be able to see timescales on how long it’s taken that money to collate.
What do you think?
Sorry if this has been said already, having a hard time getting through all the replies. But I’d love to be able to transfer money direct from my coin jar to one of my other pots. At the moment I seem to have to withdraw to the regular account then add to another pot.
Revolut Vaults has stolen a march on Coin Jar… when can we expect recurring payments in, or, better yet, out?
Lol comparing individual features is pretty pointless, one challenger’s always got something that the other challenger doesn’t.