I was thinking, I know it’s been suggested somewhere before but I had a further expansion for the idea
There should be a round-up button for Coin Jar Plenty of different things can cause your balance to be left with pennies (as opposed to being £x.00), DD’s, SO’s, Refunds, Split-the-bill paybacks, etc. can all skew your balance.
Having a button somewhere in the UI to automatically put the ‘spare change’ into your coin-jar pot would be awesome! But where would it go? I can’t think of any perfect location for an additional button so I figured why not use an existing button
The default deposit amount for a coin jar should be pennies
So instead of seeing £100, like every other pot:
if pot_type == "coin_jar":
default_desposit_amount = roundable_balance
(Not that the app uses Python but I hope that gets the point acorss )
When clicking on a pot via the Summary screen, there should be a FAB (floating action button) to add money to the pot
Monzo uses FAB’s in plenty of locations throughout the UI, having a FAB on this pot screen would be an awesome way to add some money to a pot & would save one click (I can add / withdraw money by hitting any of those transactions and then tapping add / withdraw). Figured a FAB might be nice here … As long as it disappears when you scroll down