Cifas marker Tod

It wasn’t me that said they were expensive, that was @Rat_au_van :slight_smile:

You’ve seen their fees?

£12.50 a month for the account and then

At least the PIN is free

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In all seriousness, try Revolut - their not a bank…yet, but would be FAR FAR better than CardOne

Cash Plus is now a bank I read somewhere!

Should have gone with Think Money
Still £10 per month but none of the extra fees.

While not a solution here, there should be something available for those unable to get an account elsewhere. Not having a bank account is an issue these days, and I believe the Post Office no longer offer any accounts which I suspect would be a major problem for those on benefits.

The suggested paid for options are great for those who need them, but there really should be a basic free facility available for those who need it.

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Transferwise can be used as an account


you should try nationwide apply for a normal account and it will offer you a basic account if you don’t qualify for the account you applied for

Interestingly, they are trying to become a bank

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Presumably the only reasons they haven’t become a bank before now are funding or regulatory hurdles. Any marketing about working around being a bank or being proud of offering services despite not being a bank is purely because they’ve been unable to do so until now.


Do you know if Card One shows on your credit report? I’m looking to get an account just to switch it out for a bonus.

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