So I’ve thought about swapping my car tax over manually and went to check out the DVLA site and saw the following:
Basically what they are saying is that they can’t be bothered or wont change the direct debit. Honestly I’m not particularly happy with risking cancelling then remembering to re-purchase road tax.
Does anyone else think that given the risks involved i.e. forgetting then accidentally not being taxed think this is a bit sketchy?
I’ve seen a couple of occasions recently where an ANPR equipped police car has seized someones car for lack of tax.
I dunno, I guess my major gripe is that they are just a bit behind with the times, surely its not a massive effort to be able to just update the details
@anon70107404@jrmurray86 The link I gave above says that you guys should be able to pay £31.50 over 12 months. I haven’t received my renewal notice yet so cannot confirm if this info is current and correct.
Its not about the renewal its about the lack of facility to change the direct debit without cancelling it and then having to re-purchase on a specific day.