Car Tax

Definitely, Minor Gripe.

I think if these threads show anything at all its that although direct debits are a great idea (in my humble opinion), different businesses have different processes and systems that make the good idea not so great i.e. not updating bacs tables in a timely manner.

Exactly why people need to think whether they want a test current account as their main account.

To be fair its not my main one, I just thought that moving my lowest value direct debit first (car tax) would be the most prudent.

I’m not prepared to go full monzo until we have full app functionality

So my renewal notice just arrived and it looks like I’ll be paying £1.75 a month :grin:

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Why not DD as a one off payment and save that extra £1 rather than being charged 5% to pay monthly?

Because if I sell the car during the year I won’t have to apply for a refund. For the sake of £1 I think it’s worth it.

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Fair enough but the process is pretty painless.

Yes. Onedox saved me when I switched last time

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