Can't transfer cash from my credit card to Monzo

I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned, but you could drop an email to

Wouldn’t surprise me if they all use the same database. Or maybe they see monzo as risky. Who knows.

Are the cards actually offering you Money Transfers as a service? If the cards don’t offer that, you probably won’t be able to transfer money to a bank account. And if you can, unless they offer it at 0% for a year or so, you’ll be charged interest as a cash advance from day 1 and you won’t want to use the same card for every day use.

Money Transfer is actually quite a specialised service on specific credit cards which advertise or offer you this, it’s not a generic credit card ‘thing’.


That’s not Monzo’s fault. Sort codes are published in the Industry Sort Code Database which is regularly updated and available to all financial institutions. It includes sort codes which are being retired (banks closing), changed (takeovers) and introduced (new banks). Its the responsibility of the credit card companies to update their systems to add the Monzo sort code. The Monzo acceptance team will help but it can take the other institution some time to update their systems. That’s them being slow and unhelpful, not Monzo.


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