Can I go back to Hot Coral

That’s the opposite of what he said.

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I think they mean printed rather than embossed?

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They don’t usually make much sense and deleting posts all over the shop, so I have no idea TBH.


And has a notch too! Is that new?

I swear my last card was non embossed but that might have been the Yellow Era (RIP)

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It’s, well, kinda meh. They should do it in hot coral too.


I have only gone and lost my card today. Lets see what gets delivered


Hot coral Russian roulette… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Just downgraded from Plus as I’m moving my every day banking back to HSBC Premier, so fingers crossed for no embossing…


All these people moving back to traditional banks! Is the fintech fever over?

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I think it might be for some at least.

Just reorganising my finances for the coming financial year :slightly_smiling_face:

It is for me :frowning:

Funny you say that as despite having Monzo for last 5 years I have only just switched over to it from Barclays as saw it as more of a ‘proper’ bank and less fintech than it was 5 years ago.

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The customer service is partly why I moved from Monzo to RBS, I might not need it right now but when I eventually do I want to speak to someone right away, not in 5-7 business days.

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Serial switchers, card collectors & those grasping at private bank accounts only need apply.

Bye :wave:

(Period of time goes by or a new :monzo: card launches)

Hi :wave:


RBS Cora is usually responded to fairly quickly.

Though yesterday I sent revolut a message and I got a full reply within 2 minutes, very impressed.

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If you ask for a live agent twice they put you straight through, if you do it on digital banking rather than the app it’s instant as well.



I haven’t used Monzo for anything other than shared tabs (and a few flex transactions) for almost half a decade now.

Flex is gone though and bill splits are back on Housemate (a thoroughly terrible app) – so I’ll still take shiny cards but I don’t know what Monzo can do to get my custom back.

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Whatever they do, there’s certain people that will never go back because there will be something else.

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(Think that’s a white hair on it - definitely not a scratch)