Apple April Event

Had a feeling they’ll of been one

£999 is the U.K. starting price

£749 for the smaller one

£1249 for iMac, £1449 for more colours

£29 for AirTags (£99 for 4)

£169 for TV


Is yellow your favourite colour?

No. But it looks really nice on the iMac. Positive and uplifting and other design phrases


Well that was a lot of products!

Two things that have me thinking…

First is air tags and the anti stalk feature (similar to an update to the galaxy ones). You can see tags that are following you, but if someone has stolen your item, can they not scan around them and find out whether they are being tracked and remove the tag? Seems odd to me. But there obviously does need an anti stalk feature.
Second, now that the iPad has the exact same chip as the MacBook lineup, universal apps, a dedicated keyboard with a trackpad etc, when will the iPad have a macOS mode? As well as a tablet mode, similar to a surface pro.

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Initial reaction.

Apple TV
I just don’t get it? Still crazy expensive. I’d rather go cheap (Chromecast / Fire Stick) or spend the extra and get an Xbox Series S.

Lovely. Slight buyers remorse over my M1 Mini.

Solid upgrade, great hardware but no compelling reason to upgrade my 11” Pro.

Was about to come tell you you were right!

So. Had forgotten how much they were (bought mine ages ago) but tile mates are £60 for the four pack.

Obviously AirTags win on find my integration and whole iOS network. But now that’s opened up…need to see if Tile come in (as Chipolo have) and can undercut :crossed_fingers:


I’ll imagine you’ll need to sign into find my iPhone to remove it to assign it to another account unless once you’ve signed it to an account you can’t change it

What will everyone use the tags for?

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Same here. The price isn’t too bad when you consider the iMac includes peripherals and a screen. A very good screen at that too.

Given their involvement in the App Store monopoly and anti-trust/anti-consumer stuff, I wouldn’t hold your breath for that!


Haha yeah this does have me worried there… :grimacing:

Currently I have four tiles: wallet, keys, rucksack, and one which goes in my suitcase/bag if I go away somewhere.

So theoretically would do the same.


The website is updated, says online only so I imagine it gets linked to the account

I mean in terms of someone has stole my bike with an air tag on, they scan the bike to see if it has a tag on it or it gives an audible sound to signal to someone they are being tracked by a tag, they throw the tag away and keep my bike.

It surely has to be time based if it has been following someone for x amount of hours. Otherwise, it’s completely pointless if someone steals something.

I was thinking of popping one in my car and on my bike, already have the wife on find my friends :wink::joy:


What kind of range do the Airtags have? Does anyone know?

I’ll be attaching one of these to my Dog’s Harness. Just in case.

Anti stalking feature, while necessary, does concern me, that if my dog were to be lost or stolen, their phone will alert them to the fact she’s being tracked, and will simply discard of the tag.

Yeah good point raised re the anti-stalking possibly nullifying theft.

Guess we’ll have to see re more details on the particulars of it.

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I fear an air tag might be fairly obvious if someone steals a dog. It would be ditched in minutes, they aren’t small things.

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That’s literally my idea, always nice having the extra thoughts of security

Most importantly, £55 for the new Siri Remote standalone - I’m in!


Effectively infinite. If your AirTag is near an iPhone, it’ll show up in your Find My app, regardless of whether that iPhone is yours or not.