Scroll wheel!!! 🥲 (click wheel??)
new Siri remote is dope.
Don’t need. Might buy. Struggle to justify over the GoogleTV
What has happened to me (I blame @ravipatel )
They look so good you kinda wanna lick em
This sound design in the mac is precisely why Apple really need to develop their own television IMO. My iPhone produces much better sound than most modern smart TVs
Now just need the other half to agree before I get kicked out for buying one!
New iMac. Colourful. Big chin.
M1 in iPad Pro. And Tim! That was mind blowing.
M1 iPad will be cray cray.
Damn this is big.
Bought iPad Pro last year, my first iPad since the literal first iPad
I did too! I would feel shafted, but my iPad is plenty fast and powerful enough as it is. This will be an incredible future proof upgrade.
Yeah this is true. I am certainly gonna be fine, will get over the unreasonable upset soon
“People love taking photos on their iPad” does seem like a lie to me but
I need a yellow iMac
Sans an updated hardware design, they’ve gone all out with this iPad. Sheesh. There’s no competing with this machine in its class. Anxiously awaiting the price.
They do, they shouldn’t! but they do!
$1099 for the larger one. I’d expect similar in ££
Not a bad price.
An M1 iPad. Wow that thing is going to be insane.
The production health and safety notes at the end answered questions absolutely nobody was asking