Any new IFTTT ideas?

Monzo & IFTTT

Hey all,

There seems to be a lack of new IFTTT features that you can run with Monzo at the moment. Not many new ideas are coming from Monzo themselves or even from Third Parties.

I just didn’t know if there were any avid IFTTT users out there who has great knowledge of utilising this with Monzo. I have a few basic ones set up by paying a certain retailer like Netflix and Disney+ out of a pot (well… Kinda) (as still bummed I can’t do that through my virtual card :man_shrugging:). I just didn’t know if there were any good combos that are worth putting together.

I love having the combination of Monzo and IFTTT as I feel it also helps me to budget very well by having certain things come out of pots when they are paid. Just feel like the thread is running dry on any new ideas and would appreciate any thoughts of others that do use it and what combinations you use.

A number of the applets vanished when users had to start paying for the service.

The whole point of IFTTT is you can just go ahead and create your own, so feel free to dive in and make some.

Search this forum actually for ideas as I recall seeing some discussion about how to set certain ones up etc

This! I pretty much went down to my “top three” applets after the paid for service, none of which included Monzo any more :cry:

The most use I did have though, prior to IFTTT Pro happening, was using the data from the Google Sheets export as part of Premium to make decisions. You can basically make all manner of triggers using that.

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I thought this was the case as a number of my previous applets I used disappeared and I had to make my own. I did upgrade to Pro but I’m not much of a technical guru and can’t code a lot of applets myself. I just didn’t know if there are any new ideas or helpful tips to make any?

All I really use it for now is automating card payments from my bills pot.

When (if?) Monzo add this functionality into the app I think I’ll stop using IFTTT

I was going to link to several topics where people have made their own integrations and such however they’re all still private @AlanDoe . Can you take a look please?


The Pro limits don’t make sense to me. You seemingly can have loads if you write them yourself.

I have ones for different merchants, £5 savings on a Saturday and £1 into a pot everytime I use my card.

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I did try to look for any other threads but yeah as you say they are private or can’t find them.

That’s interesting. I recall they came back for a little while recently after another comment saying the topics were private.

@AlanDoe - do you know why these are private anyway? Seems like an unusual topic to be hidden.


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