[Android] "You've spent" on joint accounts includes money not spent by 'you'


Sometimes (after a certain number/amount of transactions on the same day?), the spend notification includes ‘You’ve spent £{amount} today’. With a joint account, this message is incorrect, as it includes money spent by the other party of the joint account.

Details to reproduce:

Have a joint account between people Gamma and Delta

All on the same day: Have Gamma make some transactions, totalling £30; have Deltamake some transactions, totalling £40.

Then have Gamma make another transaction, for say £3. A spend notification will then be received by Gamma , including the text You’ve spent £73 today, which isn’t true - Gamma has only spent £33.

OS: Android
Device: HTC 10
App Version: 2.35.1


For a JOINT account, I’d personally take the ‘you’ve’ to mean both people in the one account. As in “Together, you’ve spent £73 today”.

Ahh isn’t the English language fun.

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A Joint Account will report on the total funds within that account, held (with equal responsibility) by the two account holders. So spending by either party will also show as an adjustment to this total. This is how it acts now.

But Monzo does know WHO in the JA did a particular spend and so adding an extra layer of granularity reporting i.e. allowing the additional breakdown of what YOU (‘Gamma’) has spent today along with the overall JA spending (‘Gamma’ + ‘Delta’) should be possible. It just isn’t implemented.
I’m sure this has been requested a few times in the past. I’ll have a search…

Quick search over. Here are a couple of similar requests;

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I spy a new ‘VOTE’ box next to the topic title for bug reports :nerd_face:

Or has it always been there :man_shrugging: :confused:

‘You’ can be plural. Maybe they should change it to y’all.

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5 days ago:

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This is a better solution.

For me, the ‘You’ve spent’ type notifications are all about how the balance in the account has reduced today. As a result they need to include all spending by both parties.

Filtering is really a different topic.

(Not saying anyone is wrong to want something else, just that I see things differently to what’s been discussed so far.)


‘You’ can indeed be plural; but a phone notification appears on one device, for the attention of one person

For a joint account which has, by definition, two people interacting with it.

Don’t get all italicy on me! :joy:

It’s a fair point. Even if the behaviour is expected - that is, the app alerts you to how much money has left your account - the language is wrong.

As @akm says, £amount has been spent from the account today, but “You” only account for £(amount/x).

This will also be an issue for business accounts as well as joint accounts, where more than one person has access.

Simple solution:

Where account is a joint account or a business account -> message should be more along the lines of “£amount has been spent from this account today”

Then at least it’s clearer that you’re being shown the total outgoings which may include outgoings not by “You”.


If we really have to reword it, I’d vote for the simplest and shortest “£X spent today”.

I considered that, but then I also considered it could be read with an implied ‘You have’, so I thought it best to remove the ambiguity.


It was just that my gut reaction on reading it was along the lines of “well of course it was on this account” so I reacted to the “unnecessary” words almost as if patronised in some way.

Ahh, absolutely. I hadn’t thought of it that way myself; but now you’ve said it, I can see it.

If Monzo go down the ‘re-word the message’ route they’ll probably figure out one that hits the sweet spot between the suggestions so far. Or maybe they’ll A/B test a couple of alternatives and see how everyone reacts :slight_smile:

What about things like Netflix you both use but is spent on one card, who should get the “blame” for spending that? Much better to give the joint spend as it’s a joint account. If you want to do everything separately use separate accounts

Maybe we could use the old English ye.
Early Modern English distinguished between the plural ye and the singular thou.

Neither party. The feed already does this - transactions actually by a person show that person’s avatar as flair on the merchant icon, whereas transfers and direct debits show no avatar. The feed also sidesteps the bug here, by simply labelling the relevant field ‘Spent’.

I guess if it’s deemed acceptable for the notifications to be technically incorrect then that’s the way it’ll stay.

You can be plural and refer to both of you … that’s perfectly acceptable English. It makes perfect sense to me as its presented TBH.

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You completely sidestepped your answer