WWDC 2018, iOS 12, macOS 10.14

Ah so it is not just me then… oh well… I guess that is why it is called a beta :slight_smile:

Anyone else ready to splash some cash this year? I think I can justify getting a new watch (as I managed to crack my series 2 screen and while it still works, I cannot use it in the pool no more (the horror :stuck_out_tongue: ) )

It’s a request, on the Apple Developer download page, to be added to the Shortcuts app TestFlight beta. I think it’s probably full too as I requested weeks ago and have not heard anything.


I’m being trolled by a weather app.


I love Carrot (the weather app for those who don’t know).

It’s usually Trump related comments - Hilarious you can tell it not to mention Trump as well!

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:rotating_light:woop woop :rotating_light:


I didn’t believe it for so long… :fearful:


There is a God! :innocent:

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Ah peace has reigned over iOS!

iOS12 GM just dropped


Mojave Dev 11 as well


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So is everyone having fun with iOS 12?

Haven updated yet but will do shortly.

Keyboard is weird, don’t like it

I’d love to try Mojave but my Mac won’t just back up with time machine and I don’t want to risk having to reinstall the os :frowning:

I’ve found one bug on iPhone X.

In the Settings App, in each sub-section, the topmost item is permanently hidden beneath a search bar.

For instance, it’s impossible to change the name of a device.

The ‘About’ item in the above screenshot is hidden under the search bar.

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It looks different but I can’t tell what?

I feel it’s fine though.

not seeing that here

Never seen that at all during any of the betas. Might need a reset settings or a hard reboot to fix springboard

I’ve had this a few times. Force quit the Settings app and it goes away (for a while).

Thanks for that. I’ve never had to force quit the Settings App before!

This came through last night :smiley:


Edit for @DaveTMG

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