Apple WWDC 2023

Thought I’d make this a topic to separate the ongoing chat from the iOS 16 thread with a month to go until WWDC, so this thread is for:

iOS 17
iPadOS 17
macOS 14
watchOS 10
tvOS 17
AR/VR Headset
& any relevant rumours (15" Macbook Air etc)

Edit: Can someone figure out how to capitalise the WWDC, it keeps changing it


I tried to change it like 3 times! @Peter_G @AlanDoe :pleading_face:

As for WWDC itself, I’m most excited for the iOS and WatchOS announcements as always. I can currently still choose Dev Beta for now, but I doubt I’ll be able to jump in as early as I used to this year…


Done it. First word can’t be all capitalised (more specifically the only word can’t be all capitalised). Discord bug.

And now someone removed my fix…

And so I’ve put it back :smiling_imp:


So many edits, great to see people at hand though haha

I’m looking forward to this because of Apple focusing more on “nice to haves” since putting more resources into getting the vrOS.

It is a shame we won’t be able to get the dev betas though

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Someone’s clearly having fun! Hopefully just gets left as Apple WWDC 2023. That’s the structure we’ve always used for it on here.

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Ha, I tried to edit it too and then gave up!


I still have the option for some reason… I’m hoping it stays this way for another month or so! I might actually switch it on in the hopes that I get forgotten on the Dev Beta track


I’m less interested than in previous years, mainly because IOS has been, as I see it, in a wave of stability rather than evolutionary change. Which is not a bad thing!

For me I’d like to see slight improvements to core apps such as calendar, mail and better cross device sync around things such as music, freeform etc.

Previously I used to always DL the beta but since I bank with HSBC I think I’ll wait until the Public beta comes out since they’ll almost certainly block it.

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Assume you’ve still got the beta profile installed? I removed mine thinking it wouldn’t get sent to me anymore, I guess I should have waited :pensive:

There are no profiles anymore, it’s a toggle under Software Update. I’ve not had a profile installed since September

What version are you running? If you get back onto the Dev beta track it’ll almost certainly remove itself from you as an option

Alas, I don’t have the option :frowning:

They’ll block it until the day of full release in September if not longer!

Actually, now curious how switching device-linked authenticators (like Digital Secure Key) works when changing devices. I’ll have to be ready for September!

16.4.1 (a)


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I’d really like to see some Apple TV love this year. Particularly in the audio department.

Airpods can spatialise stereo. Why can’t homepod? That could be gamechanging if a single homepod can do it (which it should be able to considering a single homepod can do Atmos by itself as well). There’d be less a need to feel like you need a stereo pair.

Id also like to see them expand the whole ARC thing to airpods as well. Far more convenient than connecting to the TV every time I’m monitoring network upgrades overnight and play destiny to pass the time.


Of the rumours I’ve seen so far, I’m most excited for the possibility of iPadOS getting Lock Screen widgets / live activities and for live/interactive widgets on iOS.

Obviously nothing concrete yet but also very intrigued by the supposed ‘biggest ever’ watchOS update :eyes:


HomeKit improvements please!


I hope they improve the health app. It’s too much at the moment. Everything is just plonked in there, with little to no context and I need to just “favourite” things to view information.

I would love a holistic approach to the app giving me my useful trends and data and advice on next steps across a range of things. Oh and a nice widget please.

It’s also unlikely but a steps counter (for some reason Apple doesn’t like steps but I still use 10,000 as a benchmark) and - and this is unlikely - support to connect with Fitbit users for leaderboards. Currently adding “friends” on Apple Watch/Fitness isn’t very good.


I think they need to buy Gentler Streak honestly. And port their approach and philosophy into the wider health, fitness and workout apps.

They do this stuff so much better. Like dark sky weather better.


Looking forward as I do every year! Recently bought an Apple Watch Ultra and 14 Pro Max so keen to see what OS improvements are coming.