Saw this thread on AskReddit this evening and it was generating some funny (and some troubling) answers!
Mine is taxes. The government seems to have all of the information it needs about us to calculate returns itself and yet still makes us write it down on paper and send it to them.
What mildly irritating thing, can you not believe we still have to deal with in 2019?
I can only presume, therefore, that one of two things is the case; it’s not a cost-effective way of selling tea, or the end result tastes like ass.
ISTR seeing a TV documentary last year where someone had invented instant tea which was a concentrate that you poured a little of into a cup and then added hot water too. It seemed to taste alright from the reactions of the presenters, but I don’t believe the product has made it to market yet.
For the exact same reason that payments aren’t instant. The retailer doesn’t receive the money in to their account as soon as you make payments. It’s just removed immediately from your available balance until all the batch processes move the money across the payment networks to the retailers account. The exact same is happening in reverse for refunds