Video verification

My husband did video verification yesterday still not updated

All he can do is wait.

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Hi Yana,

Welcome to Monzo Community!

Below are the steps I’d recommend you take

  1. Log out of the Monzo App (if possible)
  2. Uninstall Monzo App
  3. Restart Phone
  4. Install Monzo App
  5. Try the login process

If the login process doesn’t prompt a magic link email, try the signup process again.

If the issue still persists, you can either

  1. Email Monzo at
  2. Phone Monzo on 0800 802 1281

They’re available 7am - 8pm, Mon - Sun for non-urgent support, which is what this is.

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@Revels you need to up your help game :wink:


What I posted is what needs to happen. OP can waste their own time doing what Jo said if they want :smiley:


Weve been waiting 3 days now… no response from any emails… thanks