Very annoying Pending transaction

I’ve got a transaction that has remained pending for 3 weeks now!
Just a card verification transaction. It was refunded the same day but is still grey.

This is an issue as my budgeting apps like Yolt stick this at the top as pending and I cannot remove it or modify it.

These should be released from pending after 7 days I understand.

Been back and forth with Monzo support and it is still not fixed.

I’m asking them to manually intervene this and update the status but banging my head against a wall.

Which Card is it against?
Is this via GPay or Apple Pay/Tesco Pay +? - Have you tried to contact these if so?

I had a Revolut Account, where I had Pending Transactions showing up back in May, (although they were £0.00) to me they were still showing up as Pending, I still managed to close the account though.

It was a delivery service (like deliveroo).
Used monzo card in my account with them.
Used other cards with them and they were always cleared.

Just this one on Monzo stuck.

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Could be related to this maybe??

No mine was overseas. But good catch! Cheers

Some pending transactions are released after 30 days, not 7. Do you have the option to reverse it manually via the Something Wrong button?


I don’t have that option. I guess if the dev team can’t manually overide it I’ll have to sit back for 30 days and see what happens.


The money is released after 7 or 30 days or whatever. The transaction in the feed isn’t, instead a new and balancing transaction is added to the feed leaving the original to pend forever.


I get them occasionally for Spotify and I just ignore them so its probably a bug.

I doubt it’s a bug, I think it’s simply that this is as far as the implementation of this stuff has got.


Yep I would say so - all my active card checks from various companies back to last year all still show as pending even though there was the subsequent refund on a new feed item.

Odd that this was the only problematic one here. I’ve had dozens of card checks and they have always cleared.

Also, I just noticed the bit about it being grey: in the case of a foreign currency transaction, I don’t believe the exchange rate ever settles and stops being grey. This is from over a year ago, where the transaction wasn’t claimed in time and reversed automatically, before finally being taken. The pending transactions and ‘refund’ never settled, I guess because the settled exchange rate is based on the money actually being taken.

oh that’s a pain. Mine was in USD and shows like that.

I’ve had many card checks in USD before and never had this issue before.

Shows on Yolt right at the top of my transactions and can’t be removed manually