'Upgraded' to current account - Features missing?

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Thank you for the prompt reply. Much appreciated. I am happy to wait, knowing that things will be getting better shortly. Cheers.

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I wish I’d read this before upgrading to a CA. I think this is the first wrong move by Monzo, but will hopefully be resolved soon. I too miss the instant top up function and only realised it wasn’t there when I needed to use it. It was wrong of Monzo to emphasise the point that the card could be used in the same way as the prepaid card. I will read the small print in future.


Morning everyone
Not too sure if many of you will share the same opinion that I do, but when I go into the payments tab it doesn’t look as I would expect it to.
Basically, It doesn’t look as polished as I would expect it, in the sense that, it looks more like a contact list than a fully functional bank payments tab.
I would be expecting most of the interface to be intuitive to the payments side of things ie. to see what active Direct Debits do we have? What are our standing orders?
I am not advocating that all contacts should be removed, but I would like to see less of the contacts and more of the payments side of things.
What is your opinion?

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That’s because that is what it is :wink:

This is temporary functionality - a new update should be coming soon that will make this a much nicer experience!


Right, that makes more sense now :slight_smile:
My bad then!

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Not sure about the first one (instant notifications), as I do not really use it. As for the rest: Ukrainian PrivatBank and Polish Milenium bank seem to have these features. In addition, a rival fintech startup Revolut seems to be supporting all these features as well and some extra ones (eg at market echange rate).

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Oh yeah, as to the Instant Notifications: I have a sms-notification service enabled in most of other banks that I use that effectively achieves the same result. Probably not a nice design, but I do not really mind that. The informaition is all that I care about.

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As a work around to not having top-ups, I’m paying myself via Monzo.me :wink:

Although, my need for topping up as regularly has subsided since pots were introduced, I can now transfer my ‘monthly budget’ into a pot and transfer my weekly allowance over to my card each week. :raised_hands:


Brilliant idea :clap:

:+1:t3: I mean it’s obviously not as quick but it’s certainly a life saver if you can’t set up to pay your Monzo account via Faster Payment easily… I know that Nationwide requires a card reader etc. which can cause a delay!

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It does. It’s a pain. The first thing I did when my Monzo CA carted arrived was to set myself up as a payee on Nationwide and Santander and send some money from each.

Revoult is not a Bank by the way - Monzo are a fully licenced bank with fscs protection for your funds up to £85k. Monzo uses MasterCard real-time rate which are sometimes better than Revoult.

I don’t know of any UK bank which offers instent SMS for every single transection. Instent notifictions may not be useful for you but they are for most people with Monzo I think. It’s not just a notification it’s how App shows your real time balance unlike most banks where most transections don’t show up for couple of days.

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Technically you are right, but Monzo effectively became a licensed bank just now, only after it rolled out the current account and Revolut has already applied for the banking license as well (see the link below), so it is just a matter of time.

Monzo were granted an unrestricted banking licence in April of this year.


I know this and that is why I emphasised ‘effectively’. Until majority of customers were switched to current account the BL made little to no difference.

Anyway, frankly speaking, I do not see the point of dancing around the BL. If the BL was so important for you, you would not be a monzo customer. As I understand currently there are only few options to become a customer with current account, unless you previously were a beta user on a prepaid card account. So that means that absence of BL was not so important for you at the time of initial sign up, which makes sense - that was my logic as well. You want anyone you trust your monies to be trustworthy/creditworthy just by himself, not because a government tells you so.

I have had my Monzo Current Account since July.

You don’t seem to think the banking license matters and yet you are singing and dancing (much like Revoult) that they have just submitted their European banking license (not been granted it). So as you will understand, I’m a bit confused.


No dancing. I was asked about alternatives with comparable characteristics to Monzo. IMO Revolut is one such alternative. So it was pointed to me that Monzo has obtained the BL, while Revolut did not. So I responded that this is not an important distinction, especially since it is just a matter of time when Revolut gets it too.

I think all of this is just a part of the trend, as all fintech startups are being scrutinised more more and more by the regulators, so all of them must get BL eventually in order to stay afloat.

Ah okay, in that case I do apologise! I think it’s an exciting time to be in the fintech sector.