My app usually tells me what my direct debits and credits (such as wages) are 24 hours in advance. I know I have both credits and debits due tomorrow, which normally show in the app at 9am on a Thursday morning, yet there is nothing showing today at all
What version of the app/layout are you using: (1) iOS, (2) Android standard view or (3) Android new ‘Labs enabled’ nav?
I’m on (3) and I know something is due to be paid tomorrow but it isn’t showing in the feed. But if I go to Summary and look at the committed spending, I can tap on a category which is showing a £value is upcoming and it lists the upcoming transactions - including the one I know is due tomorrow.
So the source of the account feed knowing something is going to happen in the future is either Summary (planned outgoings) or a BACS transfers (incoming) and it seems the link from Summary to the account feed isn’t working anymore*
*complete guesswork following a half-hearted investigation