Unsure how to verify Monzo card in Apple Wallet

Hi, Firstly, apologies for re-posting a topic that’s come up before but I’m still stuck! I’ve had no trouble adding my Monzo card to my wallet, but when it says ‘Verification Required’ and I open the Monzo Bank app, I have no idea what to do next. Some people in other related threads talk about “double click on power button Monzo card” and also some people used their pin and then got a notification. I’m not being asked to input my pin, and I don’t know what a power button is.

Could some kind person explain what I should see and what I need to do. Thank you! :relaxed::

Hi Niki. The power button is the one on the side of your phone, double pressing that will bring up your Apple Pay cards.

As for verifying, the info in those threads is your best bet. Try and follow the instructions others have given and hopefully you’ll get it verified.


AKA the side button as it’s labelled in all Apple support documentation. Only older folks like us seem to still refer to these buttons as power buttons, as power, or sleep have become secondary functions in recent years, so the concept of a power button is alien to some younger generation z’s

But yes, as you state, double press the side button to bring up Apple Pay. Or swipe down from the middle of your Home Screen and search for Wallet. Or say Hey Siri Apple Pay, or Hey Siri, launch wallet.

In any case, it sounds more like this issue is to do with not being able to find the button to activate it in the Monzo app.

According to Monzo, the button to activate Apple Pay should appear at the top of your transaction feed inside the Monzo app. It should be in the same location as the frozen card banner in this screenshot:

Simply tap the banner, and your card should be activated. If for some reason, you don’t have a banner to tap to activate it, try removing your card from Apple Pay and going through the process again, following the instructions here:


Hi, I did not know that! Well, I’ve learned something new about my iPhone today. Thank you.

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If you have an alert in your feed (something that looks like the below) for another feature you need to dismiss it to see the Apple Pay verification button.

Remove Monzo Plus Page - #78 by urban


Hi Tom, that’s been super helpful - thank you for taking the time to explain it so clearly with an image as well. As is often the case, it was a case of user error :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: - I hadn’t gone to the card banner section. All done now and card linked correctly.

Oh, I do call it a power button sometimes, but I was so focussed on the app and I thought it was a feature that I wasn’t aware of, so it didn’t occur to me people were referring to the phone itself! Best wishes, Niki


Hi Richard, thank you for your reply! I appreciate it.


over to you @N26throwaway


Haha, I noticed that. How do you explain to a newbie that you’re a bunch of people with in-jokes on a bank forum :rofl::rofl:


Ahhhh right, duly noted! So ‘Tom’ isn’t really Tom. Fair enough :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It stems from this thread! Monzo used the name in their screenshots but didn’t claim the gmail address in the screenshots, so I did! :laughing:


Ha! :laughing: