Unable to log in to my Monzo account

I seem to have been logged out of my Monzo account on my iPhone all of a sudden and when I try and re-authenticate by logging in with my email address, the log in email never seems to arrive. I have tried several times, waited for hours and checked junk mail but nothing appears. I am completely locked out of my account.

Any help?

Hi & welcome :wave:

It looks like you are entering the correct email address. If you enter a wrong email, which isn’t registered with Monzo, you’d drop into the sign-in flow which involves entering your telephone number. This doesn’t seem to be happening so…

Is your email a personal account (gmail/outlook/hotmail/yahoo/etc.) or is it a work/student account (GSuite/Office365/.edu)?

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as David says …also maybe

Hi David,

Thanks for your reply. Yes it is indeed a hotmail account. I hadn’t had any previous issue with it.

Have just added monzomail.com to my safe senders list

Thanks again


Good to know you’re back in :monzo: land! :joy_cat:

Thanks for the update & take care!


Hey what do you know… it worked :slight_smile:

Thanks so much guys. Feel free to delete the thread. Have a great day