Transactions no longer showing from nationwide

Transactions from my nationwide account are no longer showing

The integration with nationwide was working perfectly until 28th Jan, since then no transactions are showing in Monzo. I tried deleting the integration and adding again but it’s still the same.

Transactions appear in other apps ok e.g Emma

Latest app version

Working ok on mine i am on Android though

Still the same on IOS. Tried deleting the app but didn’t make any difference.

It is fine for my current account in NationWide, it’s only the credit card that is broken.

I dont have a credit card just debit

Is this the only way of reporting bugs to monzo? Is there no bug/ticket system instead of a community forum?

You’ve posted a bug report. (With no details)

You can tell support, but you might as well just shout out the window.

No need to rude, plenty of details in my post if you bothered to read it

I did read it. I must have missed which version of iOS you’re using. Which phone? Which app version? “Latest” isn’t a version.

If it’s a widespread issue they’ll be looking at it, if it’s not, who knows. It’s not always a Monzo issue.