Thanks Button Disappeared?

Twice I’ve received some money and the notification has said „tap to send thanks” but when I tap there’s no option to send it. There’s usually an option in the app itself but that’s not there anymore. Have they got rid of it? I liked it as it was an easy way to let someone know you’d got a payment. Edited to add the person is a monzo user and I’ve always sent thanks emojis before.

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That only applies if the sending bank account was also Monzo.


Person sending money isn’t sending it from Monzo.

It’s still an option when received from a fellow Monzo user, I’ve just tried it.

It was my daughter and she is a monzo user. I’ve thanked her before many times but the last 2 transactions it’s not let me do it.

She is a monzo user. We always send each other silly emojis to say thank you.

Actually you’re right, it pops up “Name sent you amount. Tap to say thanks!”

But then the screen for me shows the same as you now

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Maybe it’s offline or something. That’s odd.

It’s fine, never liked showing gratitude anyway :zipper_mouth_face: :rofl:


I’ve just checked mines also disappeared

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I noticed this last night but assumed it was just a temporary bug

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Glad it’s not just me. Hope they bring it back.

I noticed this on Wednesday. Also thought it was just a bug.

I’m actually glad it’s gone and I hope it stays gone. Whilst a cute idea, it’s an unnecessary time waster IMO, and Monzo users can be petty and toxic if you don’t use it. You forget to click it one time because you’re busy and have been away from the phone all day on a payback that’s 3 months late anyway, and you’re the worst Disney villain to have ever lived. If you’d let me go first, Rob (made-up name), I was about to thank you in person.


It’s very rare I use it, and if I do its usually between me and my best friend thanking each other with eggplants, very mature.


Hey everyone! :wave: Sorry for the confusion. This was indeed a temporary bug and has been fixed in the latest iOS version, which will be available for you all tomorrow. :bowing_man: