Terrible experience with Assurant phone insurance

My wife lost her phone on the 6th and we logged a claim the same evening and we locked it via google “find my device” the same evening. The phone was blocked by EE on the morning of 7th.

They flagged the claim as fraudulent and asked for more information which we provided immediately. This extra information included a usage letter from EE showing the date and last used as 7th (around the time the sim was blocked).

We were then told by Assurant that because the date last used was after the time we locked it on google that the claim was fraudulent and rejected and my data would be shared on fraud databases etc. I tried to explain at the time that the evidence makes sense and the phone was blocked on 7th and maybe it was just turned on?

We have since provided a letter from EE saying that time last used just means it was connected which it would be before it was blocked from the network. They have now accepted the claim but it’s now 11 days after the claim and they think it will be another week before getting a new device.

The complaints line were rude and unappreciative of the stress and anxiety caused.

If possible stay clear of this insurance unless absolutely necessary.


It’s worth submitting a complaint with Monzo (or whoever you pay for the insurance). I’ve previously had good experience with Assurant mobile cover but where I’ve received poor service for other insurances a complaint has usually yielded a decnet goodwill/compensation payment.


Wow. Not only denying the claim but also threatening you with serious consequences for submitting a genuine insurance claim.

You might want to send an FOI request to CIFAS to check they didn’t follow and add a CIFAS marker before they changed their opinion - Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) | Credit Reference File | Cifas

Lots of bad stories about assurant, this might be the worst yet


Really interesting thank you. I will give it a week or 2 when it’s resolved but I will definitely be checking this.

They verbally told me “it won’t affect me” but my trust in them is low.


It would be nice if Monzo let you opt out of the phone insurance on Max, since I imagine anybody who wants to be properly protected with a reasonable time to getting their device might just use AppleCare alongside it, and could create the double insured issue


They do, you don’t have to use it

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I do, but I read here before if you have two it can cause issues


I highly doubt it will be an issue with Apple Care because they aren’t the sort of insurer that tries anything to get out of a claim. If you had both, might cause an issue if you tried to use assurant (not sure, depends on their policy wording!) but then who would do that.


Does AppleCare offer theft or loss insurance? I thought it was just a warranty.

It does now, never used to. This is why I subbed to apple care + on all my devices

Assurant provides poor customer service. I lost my phone on August 31, 2024. I filed a claim on the same day. 2 days later, I found my lost phone and called Assurant to cancel my claim. Assurant told me to take it back to UPS and send the unopened package back to them. I did everything they asked. Now, my phone that I found is locked by Assurant and they said it takes 2-3 business days to unlock. Meanwhile, they tracked the phone that I sent back and its in the original State of Texas. T-mobile will lose a lot of customers if they continue the partnership with Assurant.

T-Mobile? Are you in the USA?

I would assume so…

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I just thought someone in the UK returned their phone and it landed in America :joy:

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