Summary - Feedback thread

I’ll give it a go and see

I imagine this has already been mentioned but is there anyway to make the summary page the default page on my Monzo app when I open it and the widget ios?

Always get tempted to overspend when I open the app and see my actual amount, same goes for when I scroll across to the widget!



Not at the moment but I’ve seen a lot of people request it on here. Hopefully it’s something Monzo will consider :slight_smile:

I’ve moved your thread to the Summery feedback thread as they may find it useful.

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I still find summary lacking, it never seems to predict things very well for me though I’m wondering if that’s due to my current use of pots.

I roughly spend about £260 on petrol a month, filling up about once a week, but I can’t add this as a committed spend as it’s never a set day every week. So each payday I move (now done automatically) £260 into a pot to guarantee this money is not spent, but also so I can easily see my “disposable cash” throughout the month. I have IFTTT set up to move the money out of the pot when I visit the petrol station.

It’s then frustrating that Summary is constantly telling me I’m going to run out of money (I’m assuming it includes this £260 when working out my average daily spend) and the OCD in me hates that I’m always faced with the orange bar of shame when checking my balance.

Is there a way around this? Am I simply doing things in a backwards way?


Don’t include the £260 in your budget and exclude it from summary when you use it?


I obviously didn’t pay enough attention during Summary School, Cheers man!

I’m guessing there’s no way to auto exclude merchants from Summary?

Not as far as I’m aware

This is also an issue for me. I get paid 4 weekly which is a lot more consistent than the ‘last working day in a month’ method. So I can roughly guess that I have 2 less days to go than summary says I do. Which is good in some sense as I’m always 2 days ahead on my budget, but then it’s still annoying and I have to keep manually resetting the start date


Hi @Jami have noticed that my summary screen picks up my Spotify payment as “committed spending” ok but hasnt classified this in my “Bills” spend for the month. Is this expected? If so i think this logic is a bit odd


My Spotify payment gets picked up as Committed Spending and is correctly in the Entertainment category I chose for it. Have you tried selecting the payment and changing its category to Bills?

As @philgyford says Spotify is default categorised as entertainment rather than bills but you’re able to change this for your own account

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Yeah ive done that… attached images.image image

That will show in the committed spending section as it’s recurring. It would only show as bills if you haven’t marked it as recurring ie it’s an irregular or manual payment (it is marked as repeating isn’t it?)

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So it wont show in the actual spend for that category for the month? Only in the committed spend? Even after the amount has been taken?

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That’s correct. It’ll show in the relevant category under committed spend but not in your day to day spending section

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Ok thanks for the help guys.
There should probably be a guide to use summary, its not very straight forward.

Like if i shouldnt include committed spending in my targets for each category… how do i account for this in my actual target setting?


When doing your budgets at the top you don’t do your committed spend just your normal spending.

Not sure if it’s different on the Android one but the top of the budget screen advises:


Surprisingly there’s no help articles on budgets which would be really useful!


Was there not a blog post about it :thinking:, maybe I’m imagining things.

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Yeah found a blog post however nothing in the help centre


Someone give Help some Monzo love. :monzo: :heart: