Stuck on detail entry

I have tried singing through the mobile app and the ‘magic’ link worked but I can’t get past the next stage of entering the name and birth date

You’re signing up for a new account? Was that your intention or were you trying to log in?

If it’s just log in then delete and reinstall the app and make sure you click the option that you already have an account.


hello bro i’m born in 2003 and it doesn’t allow me to sign up i recently turned 16


What error message are you getting?


as i try to sign up in born in 2003 20 th june 16 and eligible for an monzo account. it didn’t allow me to click next

If you email they should be able to help you. Might be because it’s so soon after your birthday if it’s getting stuck at that bit, the computers getting confused

Belated happy birthday :partying_face:


Might be worth triple checking that you’re entering the date as DD/MM/YYYY format as the way this appears on your screen can seem to depend on phone settings.

now this pops up

Try deleting and reinstalling the app

What they say when you emailed them?

i already tried that i haven’t emailed them i thought your the company emasculates

We are all just customers that have replied in this thread. If you need support you’re quicker contacting Monzo by email

Um… pretty sure that wasn’t the word you wanted to use at the end there :scream:


Maybe mascots?

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