I try to put the full name date of birth in the app, the date of birth can not be entered well.
Although the example is described as “yyyy / mm / dd”, the input format is “dd / mm / yyyy” and you can not go to the next by either.
Please let me know who has a solution.
Is it a bug of the app?
I’d recommend emailing help@monzo.com they should be able to assist you with this
It seems to pull this information from your phones formatting settings.
It definitely needs to be entered as DD/mm/yyyy
Thank you.
I sent an email yesterday and today but I have no reply.
Try entering it as DD/mm/yyyy instead
I think this will be due to not inputting a second name in the full legal name section.
I have not put in a full name to put it here, but actually I can not proceed with putting in a full name.
Hi @nana_xx
This looks like an unusual bug, and we think it might be something to do with the language/locale settings on your phone. We’ll investigate more tomorrow. Thank you!
Thank you so much!!
Welcome @Bilalsalim !
Have you tried dd/mm/yyyy ? If you have then it will be worth getting in contact using the details above.
Yes we have tried that format. When we enter dob it comes like this
01/01/1/ 974
As mentioned above this is likely caused by your language/local settings on your phone. Temporarily switch them to UK/English to see if that helps
I’ve just raised this in the Coral Crew chat just in case there’s a wider issue
Sorted. Thanks