Starling Feedback

They actually announced their intention to launch joint accounts earlier than Monzo - though their gambling block announcement coupled with being “the first to launch” did sound like shady marketing.


I’m surprised they prefer to give the exclusivity to some newspaper that can’t even bother to give credit where it’s due instead of giving it to their community first.

Make a private launch event for like 1000 people, test it for a week (this would allow them to quietly iron out any issues should it go wrong) and then release it fully. This sounds like a much better strategy.


Oh, the fact that a community memeber shares a dodgy article about an upcoming release is incredibly frustrating.

It’s a little bit like Apple of old… very closed off, no sneak peaks or beta testing.

Monzo is like Apple of new, public betas and lots of user testing.


No. Both methods will be possible.

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I think their users don’t think so (Joe’s replied above) if they’re happy with the forum and it works for them then I’m personally not bothered :woman_shrugging:t2: From what I can see the swipe function on Android and the lack of beta testing/ feedback + press release before forum release seems to be the only few sore points recently.

I prefer Monzo’s forum and how easy it is to reach out to staff but I think Starling probably realised they need to interact more on it. Hopefully their new community managers will be active. Obviously I like Monzo so I’ll just put it out there before anyone says I’m being unfair.

@danbeddows wait… when was all that? I know they cancelled their Transferwise partnership recently but I didn’t know they launched Euro accounts?

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Monzo also have an Irish licence but I’d imagine nothing will be done for either bank until after more details about Brexit are known


They haven’t actually launched them. They just made a press release/blog post like they had. They even used language like:

But it’s never materialised. :man_shrugging:t2:


I think there is only a limited number of people in a test phase, it has Not been opened to the public yet. That is a few months off.

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Then Monzo should have claimed to be the first fintech bank to release a gambling blocker tbh, since it was already released to a small group :joy:


Well Monzo seems to be doing fine with building a bank and listening to the “nonsense” on the forum.

In the meantime Monzo has a much bigger following that Starling can only dream about (which is a shame because their tech is solid too) so maybe our approach isn’t so nonsensical after all?


Monzo were the first to release, but initially to some customers not all, but Starling were the first to “all” customers. That was the difference. They launched to all their customers on both OS at the same time and their marketing gals played with that subtle difference. Which I felt petty and demeaned their launch.


They will always have a lower following in their community when it such a pain to sign up to.


Marketing women or marketing team surely?

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I made a point of not saying guys (men or mixed) as the marketing boss and a lot of that team are women, and women sounds a bit stuffy and formal


Yeah that seems to be the sentiment even with Starling users… the gambling blocker could have been better thought through or they could have done a private beta testing with specific individuals they identified as benefiting from this :thinking: if they have a great partnership with an organisation tackling this it seems silly not to better make use of it.

Hopefully they take on @Dannytc’s feedback because he did a series of really comprehensive suggestions that a lot of users on Starling agreed with, but I thought their response could have been better.


I think @Rat_au_van was just pointing out “gals” sounds diminutive, since there isn’t an equivalent of “guys” for women.


You were clearly replying to a post about someone saying that the Starling community is just a “me too” response to the Monzo community, so I felt your response was related to that, and I pointed out that the approach of listening to forum “nonsense” was working for :mondo: and that maybe Starling should take example. :wink: And no, I have no reason to be “desperately” shilling Monzo all the time, at least not until I get some commission for it. :money_mouth_face: Besides that, if you search my posts around here you’ll notice I am also very critical of :monzo: when they screw up which inevitably happens every so often.

Sorry, I stand my ground on this. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I respect your opinion. :+1:


Which is a shame. At the very least if they’re not happy with letting “everyone” in with an email address the least they could do is to let their account holders in by adding a Starling account as a sign-in option. Their API supports oAuth so it should be a drop-in addition right next to the Facebook & Twitter login options.


I always thought the expression guys and gals meant the words were equivalent, still, happy to learn something new


VMaybe I Ann strange but being a woman myself I like that a woman is in charge of starling.