Im a Crowdcube investor in Monzo, but wasn’t bothered about changing my alpha to crowd cube investor status.
I signed up to Starling about 4 months ago and apart from maybe 3 emails of “we’re launching soon” have had absolutely no other information, of what they are offering in their app, when it will launch etc. Their website shows no indication of what they are offering , all very secretive , not too enticing though 
Megan from Starling is a member of Monzo community along with probably quite a few others of their staff and I am sure it will be a very similar offering to what Monzo are now doing because Monzo is being so open with what they are doing and with all the feedback on this forum is like a free focus group for Starling to replicate.
Most of Monzo founders chose to leave Starling for various reasons , along with Starlings next CTO, Mark Hipperson, there must have been some sort of staff conflict in Starling, hopefully it is now all sorted out and not ongoing 
I found Starlings little jape of registering a Monzo web name a bit too childish - each to their own I suppose - they seemed to find it very amusing between themselves.
The Starling twitter account seems to regularly tweet but then seems to only have members of staff retweeting or liking the post , and doesnt seem to be getting much traction with followers - whether this is important for market share who knows ? 
I agree Starling will be Monzos main competitor and I think Ive already said this on this forum somewhere, only time will tell if they can both succeed in the same market place with presumably the same or very similar offering.
Complaints about Monzo - hmmm - Starling are skipping the Beta phase whether thats sensible or not who knows , they will present their product and people will either like it or not I suppose , Monzos beta is an evolving product which takes their customers views into account wherever possible.
Paying Salary direct into account - Monzo and Starling are, I believe in the same stages (maybe not exactly) in their banking licence application , both have restrictions where they cannot accept more than 50K in deposits. This is going to change presumably for both banks this year so will work through that "complaint"
Do Starling have an Android app , who knows, they don’t have an I phone app that they are showing to anybody else
at the moment , Monzo used limited funds to make an I phone app and have repeatedly said their Android app is catching up.
Waiting Lists - big waiting lists are good aren’t they - shows how popular the app is ? - Monzo got an extra £5m from passion to expand their card issuing which have speeded up the waiting list