My work automatically fills out the sort code in the payment details when I select Monzo, however it does this with the sort code 04-00-03 when mine is 04-00-04, will this affect me getting paid at all ? Is it fine to just leave it or should I be asking work to change it ?
It depends on what your actual Monzo sort code is. Your work needs to have the correct sort code and account number for your account otherwise they could be paying someone else.
If the sort code is incorrect this will almost certainly mess up your pay. Ask them to change it to be safe and that way you’re in the right. Hopefully you’ve long enough till your payday to get it sorted.
messages from the same thread but the bottom reply is from staff member the sort code does exist , but if your account with monzo is 04-00-04 on your card details it should say that on your payment details
We don’t reuse account numbers - so an account number on the 04-00-04 sort code won’t exist on the 04-00-03 sort code
Is there a reason for going for a different sort code then? Doesn’t that mean that you can still only have the same number of accounts?
No - there are lots of account numbers that we can’t use on the 04 sort code, for example we don’t give consecutive account numbers out on the same sort code.
All UK banks use Modulus Checking to confirm if a particular sort code/account number is possibility valid.