I tried to open a share trading account with Barclays and gave my Monzo account number and the sort code 04 00 04, as directed. Barclays stated that they could not match the sort code and account number. Any suggestions???
I think it’s on the list below. They need to update their system but I guess they are lazy or not bothered. Hope it gets sorted for you.
I’m sorry to hear that, I’ve added Barclays share trading to this Wiki for you (as you can’t, while you’re a new user) -
they do need to accept Monzo’s sort code so please do harass them & I’m sure the team will follow up on this too..
POSB / DBS (Singapore) - gives the same error that the sort code isn’t valid.
If you email acceptance@monzo.com with as many details as possible they will follow it up with POSB / DBS (Singapore) and hopefully get it resolved
It means that they have not updated their BACs records in over a year and I believe it should be updated monthly. Email the address by @Jackcrwhitney but also complain to POSB / DBS (Singapore).
Are you trying to complete a bank transfer from Singapore to the UK by the way?
Also had this trouble with M&S Bank for personal loan repayments. They recognise the details well enough to setup a direct debit instruction but not take payment. They told me there was nothing they could do and that I needed to pay by card every month (Monzo card, which they accepted!) or setup a standing order (from my Monzo account, which they also accepted!).
Might be having the same trouble with Legal & General but can’t confirm yet.