Hi, someone i dont know from anywhere used my account details to recieve money from thier victim, and then told me he mistakenly transferred money into my account and i should resendnit back to him. But i refused and asked for more information on hownhe got my number. He claimed it was from a group chat for my childs dedication. But i wasnt convinced so i didnt send the money back as he wanted.
But my account was closed when i was asked to prove what the money was for and i couldn’t prove it because i dont know where it came from. So after investigation i realised someone tried using my account for fraud. Before i could gather information my account has been closed. But nevertheless i contacted Monzo to explain the situation.
I have evidence of our communication with the scammer and i also asked Monzo to process a refund so the money can get to rhe right owner. Can this be possible. Monzo also flagged me on cifas, please what can i do because they’re still investigating to get back to me with an update.
There is very little you can do. Whilst you may see yourself as a victim (and you might be). The financial industry sees you as a money mule who was complicit in fraud.
Whilst you can make a complaint, it’s unlikely to succeed. You are better of just accepting it, putting it down to experience and waiting for the CIFAS to expire.
There are still some banking options for people in your situation. Monzo isn’t one of them.
Nobody can help you until you tell the truth and not the story you made up.
While it may have been a convincing scam, you still participated in the fraudulent activity and, unfortunately, you still suffer the consequences for your actions and theirs.
CIFAS warns other lenders you, or them, may be at risk of further financial exposure so, in short, the doors get closed and your options very limited.
A hard lesson learned indeed but over the next 6 years hopefully you’ll see the signs before any further incidents happen and the CIFAS drops off your file.
Some high street banks may allow you a basic bank account if you can provide ID but I wouldn’t expect any fintech (monzo, revolut, starling) to allow you in.
You’ll likely need to attend a branch to open this type of account.
What truth?
Thank you
Report it to the police, if you genuinely are a victim -
Monzo are still investigating, so all you can do is wait.
Please what other banking option can I apply
Pop into a high street bank and see if they’ll give you a ‘basic bank account’.