✅ Scrap the Graph

Hi there- as someone with dyslexia and learning difficulties the graph was really the best part of the app for me. It made it much more accessible and the new look is not working for me at all- I feel like it’s much harder to get the information I need from the homepage- to me it feels really crowded now. I would please ask that Monzo can let users hide the graph if they want but they should really have an option for people like me to have it :slight_smile:


As some who has used all versions if it’s a choice between the new and keeping the graph I’m now saying keep the graph.


Probably a bit too late now. Your campaign to get it scrapped worked


Had I of known the replacement I’d have have not bothered.

Be careful what you wish for :woman_shrugging:


The graph was a really useful way of seeing the balance when scrolling through the transactions. Is there an alternative way to do that now?


The app is being re-designed and this is being discussed over here:

It shows the total spend per day but some are asking for the option of daily balance too.

Yeah the graph is very odd. In a world where Edward Tufte is a household name and we have very mature knowledge of what is good and bad information design, it hard to understand a professional company making such a wrong step as this.

Doing this in 2019 and defending it in such a way despite it breaking so many of the well-established principles in a way that is proven to be detrimental is very surprising.

I’ve read the thread and can’t see a clear answer for what the replacement is going to be?

That’s not the world I live in


I just had to Ask Jeeves about him.


Thousands of popular press newspaper articles about the guy in recent years. His work is to information design as to Newton’s laws are to physics. Anyone working professionally in displaying data would have been taught the most basic principles in introductory 101 classes.

I’m pretty sure you understood my point.

I didn’t understand since it’s 2019 and they have gotten rid of the graph… What was your point?

If you enable the new navigation in labs the graph is gone :blush:

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My point was: “Doing this in 2019 and defending it in such a way despite it breaking so many of the well-established principles in a way that is proven to be detrimental is very surprising.”

And then my question about what exactly the change is because I can’t see that laid out clearly in this thread. Is it just that it’s going to be removed?

It’s 2019 and I still have the graph btw.

(Sorry it seems I’m being taken too literally. Perhaps I should have said “in the 21st Century” instead of “in 2019” seeing as The Visual Display of Quantitative Information was published in 1983).

OK mate, but it’s not been done in 2019 nor defended. You replied to a post from nearly 18 months ago. It still exists but is about to be removed as can be seen if you toggle on the new navigation in labs.


Never heard of the guy, but please, this is the most over–the–top analogy I ever read.


Really? That’s quite some hyperbole. Who would be the Newton of Information Design in your eyes?

This guy is variously referred to as the “Galileo of graphics”, the “da Vinci of data”, a “Data visualization pioneer”, "the Strunk and White of design, “the world’s leading analyst”, “a kind of prophet”, “the master of graphics and design”, “the preeminent authority on data and statistical visualization”, “required reading for anyone in either the sciences or graphic design”

His classic, the equivalent of the Principia Mathematica, is The Visual Display of Quantitative Information which is said to be one of the “Best 100 non-fiction books of the 20th century” and “The most important contribution so far to the study of the graph”.

I honestly can’t think of anyone better suited to be the Newton of information design so please do enlighten me.

I’ve genuinely never hear of Edward Tutle, but having seen a brief snippet of his work (via Google) it does look interesting.

Anyway… back on topic…

To answer your question…

The graph has been removed and the new design will be released soon. This topic is over a year and a half old so it probably isn’t the best place to discuss this but here is what the new design looks like:

Be sure to give your feedback to the team over here:

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Well I figured you’d know.

Really, I have no idea. But I seriously doubt he’s discovered irrefutable laws of the universe.

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