Santander Problems?

Hi guys
Family member just set up a Santander account but was unable to send any money to me via bank transfer.
They sent money to someone else and it worked fine…

Any ideas whether this is a Monzo or Santander issue ?

It says " The beneficiary account of this transaction cannot be reached using faster payment "


I transfer from Santander on a very frequent basis (still milking those 1-2-3 Rewards) and Joint Overdraft (hint hint) and have done so yesterday and today and it worked fine.

Sounds like they could be putting the Sort Code in wrong? I believe whether or not a bank supports Faster Payments is defined in there?


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Source for this tool please?

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Useful - thank you.

They said the sort code was correct, 04-00-04

confused now.

I do transfers from Santander to Monzo without any issues

So do I

If they entered the last 2 digits the wrong way round you get that message as it’s a sort code for a bank that doesn’t accept faster payments

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It was the wrong sort code lol, all sorted now


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