Replacement card delivery options


im new here and was just wondering, sorry if ive missed information that’s already on here - i saw from some posts here that if you eg lose your monzo card, you get asked to give a delivery address for the replacement, i.e. it doesn’t have to be your address.

i was just wondering if it is the same for when your card expires? like say i was traveling or otherwise away from home at the point at which my card expired and needed to be replaced, would it automatically go to my address on my account or would i be prompted to give a delivery address?

thanks :slight_smile:

I think you usually need to contact support of you need a replacement card sent to an address other than your home.

You can contact support by going to the help tab in the app, scroll to the bottom and tap “Chat to us”, or if you don’t have that button there you will have to search for “Contacting support” in the help articles and tap the “Get in touch” button in that article.

What actually happens with expiring cards, I was one of early current account customers and mine expires in August. I’m assuming one is automatically sent around June/July time

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