Just to add to this, I tried/failed to setup a DD with a company that uses Barclays as their bank. I think the issue is that Barclays hasn’t updated their systems as it was showing the customer service rep that the Sort Code was not valid.
Conversely, Lloyds (when I wired money from my soon to be ex-account) correctly showed that Monzo was the recipient.
Should we be keeping a list of banks that recognise the sort code vs those that don’t?
Geoffrey, when you add that company to the Wiki that Nick’s just shared, could you please add the company’s name, rather than Barclays, in case the issue is actually to related to the company’s out of date Sort Code database, rather than Barclays?
If Barclays wasn’t accepting Monzo’s Sort Code, I’d have expected that to have been reported by now. And as you can see, another user has reported that Barclays does accept Monzo’s Sort Code now, despite having issues initially.