Posting the same complaint repeatedly in different threads

We need more posts/threads about people complaining about what others post! :clap:t3:


I don’t mind new users coming on and having genuine questions about it which they might not be able to find in FAQ, but requesting for Apple Pay with some regulars in between random updates is an old (fruit related) joke that isn’t funny anymore :woman_shrugging:t2: since I see it so much on forums and Slack.

Not really a “how dare people mention it” but more of a “let’s ignore and go to another thread”. I see no point interacting with it and I guess it would put some people off since it’s on every thread. Props to Leaders for merging :ok_hand:t3:. I really like the staff-driven threads on here now, the rest no longer appeal to me. Can we get some nice discussions about fintech and other apps/ interests?


The problem is that it often sets users off & derails the thread. Or even if we merge the post, it bumps the Apple Pay topic & we have another round of discussion. Or the comment is part of a valid post & moving it would break the thread..

So it would make everyone’s lives easier if the comment wasn’t posted in the first place.


I’ve got a crazy idea… Why don’t we just, let people post stuff, if it’s off topic, lock it. The idea of splitting and merging topics can be really confusing & bump old threads up with no added benefit.

Sometimes posts go on for too long.

Or y’know just crack on with letting people post what they want, so long as it’s not against the rules?


I agree with everything else that you’ve said in that post but it’s all off-topic or been covered by the earlier comments in this thread.

I disagree it’s off-topic or already covered, the question was pretty open and there are different forms of repetitive content, and I don’t feel that’s a very helpful way to engage with a post replying to the question which you yourself posed. Moderating should be more about listening and guiding than telling or debating or shifting threads around - it’s about setting the tone (and I say this as the moderator of communities elsewhere).

I have no problem merging new topics from new users into existing threads

I think it’s been a bit heavy handed at times, as an example the repeated moving of posts on other topics which directly relate to those topics into an old thread named with casual disregard ‘custom categories - 1’. It’s not a huge deal and meta topics are typically pretty boring so I haven’t bothered commenting on it previously.


We don’t want to stop discussion if we don’t have to.

If there’s room for improvement, I think we should consider it, don’t you?

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Well, I wish as much as you that everyone would use the search tool and post in exactly the right thread but it happens/ people like trolling sometimes. When I say “ignore and move to another thread” I’m also saying (like you) it discourages convos about related topics and derails it entirely- my personal nightmare thread was the ATM fees one.

It would be impossible to stop it from happening at all, but I think most people are generally receptive and civic-minded enough if you drop them a DM informing them.


I agree, I just wanted to have this discussion first to make sure that it’s not just me who’s bothered by this.

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No, honestly, I don’t… You can’t micromanage what you want, you can run a community forum as some sort of regimented place.

The best solution? Delete the post, and message the person that made it - telling them that maybe we don’t need Apple Pay posts all the time.

To be honest, I’m quite surprised to see this sort of topic here on this community - I guess I expected better? I don’t see why you’re so keen to almost restrict the open discussion on here - is this the new direction of the Leaders? Is this the opinion of Monzo as a whole?


On the one hand you’re saying we should just delete users posts.

On the other hand you’re complaining that we’re having a discussion about this.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


No. I’m saying, if you really want to do it - which I don’t agree with - then delete the post instead of splitting them into other topics, and move the moderation of them to DMs.

Personally, I think the community will tend to just reply with a brief outline of where the thing in question is at, or will just gloss over it.

The idea is that the community is self-monitoring, not some sort of place where we “outlaw” certain discussions by making threads moaning about people posting the same thing all the time.

But then again, what do I know - I’m just a lowly Member.

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Thanks for sharing your feedback.

That’s not the intention of this topic or the community in general.

I’ll be as candid as possible here.

Ultimately the ratio of how productive it is to discuss Apple Pay compared to the amount of work it is for both community leaders and Monzo staff to consistently have to keep an eye on threads about it, is completely off.

The general atmosphere feels volatile whenever the subject comes up, and it is a difficult thing to temper. We don’t have anything to offer on the subject that hasn’t been said already. Literally no amount of complaining that anyone does will have any effect whatsoever on the status of it.

It’s not productive. The back-and-forth about it sullies the forum, which we work hard to make a constructive, helpful, friendly place.

It’s one thing when it’s coming from a new user. It’s another thing when, as Alex said, it’s people repeatedly making the same complaint, over and over and over, especially in threads that have nothing to do with it.

We don’t want to stop people from discussing whatever they want to discuss. But consider how helpful it is, or productive it is. We encourage discussion. We don’t encourage trolling or continuous unhelpful ranting.


I’m surprised you haven’t seen similar posts saying it’s “micromanaging”, but the leaders on here move threads really quickly to the relevant post (and add a note informing them why they’ve moved it). I think it’s pretty efficient for such a large community.

I think alexs was asking whether everyone is okay with leaders moving/ DMing people to remind them to stop hijacking numerous threads with the same topic and what they think of it rather than saying “absolutely no discussion of this ever”.


I tend to agree with this.

My way of dealing with the person who constantly posts the same old moans (regardless of the topic) is just to visit the forum less and read less of it when I am here.


Exactly & this is what I hope we can avoid - you shouldn’t be put off spending time in this community.


This, to me, is self inflicted. Sure, it’s a thing that a lot of people want, but because it’s being classed as something “taboo”, or that can’t be talked about people make fun of it.

I believe if it was not made a scene of, people wouldn’t even bother making mention to it.

Not questioning efficiency or anything, I was saying I don’t think in some instances it’s right to do. Just close the thread & move on.


No I don’t but you do and I’m fine with that, as we all have different options. To have certain options " hushed up" because there’s too much of it that’s another thing altogether. Did the very same thing happen in Germany yes or no? So what’s OTT about my post?

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Can’t you ignore people you don’t want to see? Well should that not fix the problem?


Tbh I’d rather posts be moved to the relevant thread to avoid derailing all discussion than closing it. Unless there is a very heated argument going in a thread/ people resorting to personal insults then that could be done. Closing a thread entirely just means no one else can continue the original discussion and I don’t really want that. Even if it is more work for leaders :woman_shrugging:t2: