Posting the same complaint repeatedly in different threads

I’m quite new to this forum. I do enjoy it. And completely agree with everything you’re saying.

On a seperate note… (and not down to yourself)

As a new user I have shared what is important to me. Not Apple Pay. But other things I’m sure have already been discussed. I feel like reading this thread it isn’t quite the open friendly place it seemed.


But then you bump other threads that might not have any posts made in them etc. That, or just kindly post in them saying “let’s get back on topic” … To me, in forums I’ve moderated in the past, splitting posts etc, was very much frowned upon as a “splittable post” might have some relevance, or might not be able to be split to somewhere.

Personally, I think you should leave the thread in it’s state, or delete the posts if you wanna do something


It sounds like you’ve misunderstood the issue that this thread is addressing, I don’t think you repeatedly complain about the same thing in different threads so you shouldn’t feel as though your posts or posts like yours are being discussed here.

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It’s still censoring people. You’re taking a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

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So only people that repeatedly complain about things should feel less welcome?

I think @fruityseb (correct me if I’m wrong), was referring to the vibe this thread as a whole conveys.

I don’t want people to feel uncomfortable reading this thread but ultimately, I think this is an important discussion to have.

I’d amended my post as that’s not what I meant to infer, could you please update your quote of my comment in your post?


I get where you are coming from - which is why @alexs has tried to make it clear that he is referring to posts made by regular users, who know better (that’s topic X has been discussed umpteen times).

Not sure if you’ve seen the Apple Pay thread(s), but they get quite heated at times, and it’s all a waste of resources to moderate for staff and forum leaders, especially since Monzo are likely under a non-disclosure agreement which prevents them from saying anything about it.


No, we don’t know that it’s a thing that ‘a lot of people’ want. What I can agree with is that people who want Apple Pay a lot are very vocal about it. Does it mean it deserves special treatment? If a kid is shouting in the shop about getting a candy, do you succumb to demands of little manipulator? :wink:

It’s not a taboo, at least by official definition. “Broken record” seems to be a more fitting match and that’s the point I think some of us, tired with Apple Pay, are trying to make. For now, I think we can start pasting @simonb’s response over and over again? :wink:


Sorry, I was meaning “a lot of people” want, because I’ve seen the amount of people on Twitter asking for it, and friends of mine that don’t want to switch to Monzo without it - plus the vocal people on the forum.

Let’s not turn this into a discussion about Apple Pay though! :slight_smile:


The crux has been well and truly missed by a few people here.

Repeating the same point in multiple threads is pointless, wasteful and irritating.


And it’s not exclusive to ApplePay either.


Personally I say merge it into the existing thread and be done with it. If someone is persistent, every day/week moaning about the same thing, message them. I don’t feel it needs to be much more than that, I don’t feel it creates a negative experience.


Since you’re saying that we should intervene, I guess you mean that it’s a negative experience but one that we can handle?

Not a negative experience. If, as a leader, you feel it’s too much then you can message them. Personally I’m not fussed. It’s these type of threads I find more negative.


Maybe its just me, but if Monzo’s customers have a complaint, then that complaint should be solved not hidden away because Monzo or other people don’t like the complaint.


I agree & that’s not what this topic is about.


Maybe a solution to this is give those that want to talk/complain about Apple Pay somewhere to do it… somewhere where you opt in to see/contribute… somewhere which isn’t mixed in with the other discussion and won’t bother other people.

That’s the Apple Pay discussion thread, although it’s equally pointless there. The problem is that users post about it in other topics too.

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No worries. Just trying to help. I’m off to the Telegram group to talk about Apple Pay

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Maybe flag a post as off-topic then move it later?
The Discourse Meta doesn’t offer much more that hasn’t been tried, I’m afraid.