Postcode finder update


It is a very general question but any information will help.

I registered my new residential address with Post Office and it now appears in Postcode Finder online. However none of the other services (credit rating agencies, insurers) including Monzo does not have it in their postcode search.
I cannot insure my car until I can show that my financial services are registered under this address.
Does anyone have any experience how often those postcode databases might be updated? If I spell my address as it appears will it “match” in credit rating agencies once it appears on their system?

Thanks for any advice.

Third parties need to update their databases, which could take time. A lot will pick up very quickly. I remember having to have an address added for o2 to correctly bill me (I lived in a flat ‘b’ but all the databases only showed an ‘a’ address at the property) but as soon as that was fixed things went okay.

If the insurer told you that’s the problem, can you ask them how often they update their database? I’m sure most will do it on a set schedule which isn’t too irregular.

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Royal Mail Postcode Address Files tend to be updated either weekly or monthly, but whether a company actually imports that data into every system is a lot more questionable (see also: the Sort Code database :roll_eyes:).

As for Monzo, until then you should either be able to enter your address manually if I recall correctly, or get in touch with support who can do the same. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks Rika! All went smoothly with Monzo (and co-op for that matter). However it seems that most of the places including experian and equifax are not accepting names over 26 characters - which is the case for me as I live on a research station. It seems that despite my bank accounts and credit cards have a full address, the credit agencies only match me under my previous address. It is bizarre given that I am on the electoral roll on the new address (but not on open register)

It seems like a very rare scenario so I was wondering if anyone has any experience with it? Is that really the case that “over 26 characters” is outside the United Kingdom Credit System?