Pin reminder failure

So my back camera is broken on my phone and my pin isn’t working which has lead to me being locked out of my account which I contacted the support team about who unlocked it for me. Although they failed to send me a pin reminder which completely defeated the point of unlocking my account because I still dont know the pin. I’ve been through the pin recovery process multiple times now and it just takes me back to the account pin login screen which obviously doesn’t help me at all. Any ideas

Try support agin in the app

Can’t you change your PIN at a nearby cash machine?

You need to know your PIN for that

Of course :see_no_evil: :laughing:

Good job it’s now hometime, it has been a long day!


Hey :wave: Is your front camera working okay? The selfie video is the most important part of a PIN recovery, and if you dont have ID (or the back camera doesn’t work to photograph your ID) but we’ve got a selfie video then it should be okay :thinking:

After you’ve submitted the video, it takes up to ten minutes before your PIN is ready but you’ll either get a notification, or if you don’t, you can tap back on the “forgotten PIN” button in the top right to see your PIN.

If that’s what you’ve done already, then it’s worth reaching out to us through the in-app chat if you can access it, or via email ( We’ll be able to do some digging to see what’s going wrong from there :crossed_fingers:

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