OnePlus 6

Anyone interested in picking one up? The specs look pretty insane. 8GB of RAM in a phone… madness!


How are they for Android updates? I like the Samsung devices the best but their software releases are so damn slow, it’s what’s really pulling me towards the pixel. My S7E is still going strong so I’ll likely just run this into the ground for now and try and push off buying a new phone for a nother release cycle. Should really feel the returns on such a larger generation leap if I can manage holding off.

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I’ve had OnePlus phones since the invitation only system on the OnePlus One and I haven’t looked back. I’m still surprised by how much these phones can do.


I’m currently on a OnePlus 5 (the original with the home button on the front). It’s the best phone I’ve had since the HTC One M7 - and I think also came with the ridiculous 8gb RAM!

Although I’ve just had this coming up for a year the 6 is very tempting. If it had an under screen fingerprint reader then I’d find it hard to say no to…!

I’ve OnePlus 5 with 8GB memory and really happy with what can do. We use some memory hungry AR apps and phone performs brilliantly.

Personally I’ll wait for 6T because it will only be 6 months or so after OnePlus6 looking at pervious releases.


Solid plan!

Thinking of upgrading anyway, or any specific treasures features you’re holding out for?

(Edit for amusing typo)

I’ve been a solid OnePlus fan and have even participated in a few media appearances for them and some things I can’t say much about :wink:
But I tend to skip a device after the 3t came out. So I had the 1,2,3 and then 5. I’ll wait for the 6 then skip 6t
The phones ar great devices and although have their flaws I believe the dev teams are becoming better at releasing. If you jump on the open beta builds you get a new update around every month.

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I am hoping they will sort out this iPhone style notch in 6T :smile: and it will be just good to have Android 9 properly implemented by that time.

Yeah I’ve been participating in Beta for quite sometime. Beta releases are mostly stable and OnePlus seems to be getting better at new releases as you said.

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Sounds good. I remember reading somewhere though that you can’t move from the beta to finalised builds of new major releases - do you end up having to flash your phone once a year. #fakenews?

Tease :wink:

The beta builds and the stable builds are on a different pathway so to speak. Meaning that once you flash the beta you are on that path and in order to get back to the stable build youd need to wipe and flash. But using the OnePlus swap tool you’d be able to backup everything making it relatively easy

Thanks! And when on beta do you automatically get the next major release when available? And how stable are we talking?

#somanyquestions :wink:

When OP make it available, yes :wink: It took a good 6 months to get an update for the OP3 :confused:

Fairly I think. Bug OS upgrades carry the most bugs usually.

I won’t be upgrading as I really don’t like Oxygen OS. I downgraded from the OP 3 to a 6P by swapping with my sister - I’ll probably get the current Pixel XL used when this dies

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Ah yes, the Pixel :heart_eyes:

I’m interested about the Oxygen OS comment though - for me I’ve never really noticed it. Unlike when on Samsung :sweat:

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It depends really. It’s normally about a month quicker than the stable release. Potentially more. They are getting quicker and quicker at delivering the updates

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I’m tempted but I can’t justify it when I bought a OP5… I think… less than a year ago? *checks Monzo* 20th of June 2017

Think I’ll have to wait till at least the OP7 timeframe (assuming a 6t) before I look to upgrade :man_shrugging:


I’ve been really tempted by One Plus for a while now, but I just can’t get away with waiting months for Android updates. Just wish they’d kept it stock! I’ll be sticking with my Pixel 2 for now.


Same, that’s why I went for the Pixel 2 XL.

I’m hoping Project Treble sorts this out. I feel like it will help a lot.


Honestly if the OP devices or Samsung just did absolutely nothing to android and saved all that Dev time… They’d be SO good.

Maybe the pixel 3 will be where it’s at.

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OnePlus is still the best phone on the market imo. My housemates all swear by iPhone but even they say OnePlus is the ONLY android they would go for.

Love the interface, the features, the lack of complication (some Androids settings can become a little horrible haha). I will be getting the OnePlus 6 on launch regardless of speed, just because its the upgrade XD haha.