New Monzo Update: Wonderful Surprises!


Is the golden ticket randomly assigned or is there a criteria that needs to be met? Such as using your card every day for a week type thing.,

And do we have a timeframe to expect this on android

Maybe @james or @hugo could answer this? If you invite someone to Monzo using a golden ticket, do they still have to top up the initial £100 or are they exempt from that as well as the waiting list? It would be a little easier to ‘coax’ people into using Monzo if there was a smaller/no initial top up.

I don’t think it would remove the top up. It costs money for Monzo to send out a card. Why would they send a card out without any guarantee that someone will actually use it?


I’d recommend they top up with the £100 and just patiently wait for a 1-2 days in the meantime continuing to use a regular debit/credit card. If they become dangerously close to their limit on that account then they can withdraw the cash from Monzo as soon they get the card and deposit it in their other account

I’m sure if people can’t manage to swap around up to £100 cash in the couple of days between the top up and receiving the card, then they’ve got big budgeting problems.


Used my Golden Ticket for an Android friend who had been waiting in the queue for a week or so, worked perfectly!
Off we go! :grinning: :raised_hands:


Yes, they need to top up. The reason that @anon4562461 pointed out is spot on :slight_smile:

The next update to golden tickets is now on the roadmap (it’s due in the next few months), it will

Make it easier to get them and more predictable