New card problem with new pin

Just had new card activated and put money in when I went to bank I used the new pin and it let me in then refused my cash sum I have tried changing the pin it wouldnt let me in .please advise where Im goi
ng wrong .

Hey @Rup

Are you saying you tried to withdraw cash using your correct PIN, but this was declined at the ATM?

Hmm, sounds a bit odd - that shouldn’t happen! I suggest you get in contact with COps via in app chat (pull out menu on the left, then “help”) or by emailing

Doesn’t sounds like you are doing anything wrong and not sure if there are some minor issues today? I have 2 transactions declined this morning, plenty of funds in the account.

I raised with COps this morning and waiting to here back.

Yes I used the new pin sent it let me in but it would not let me withdraw .

Yup, that is odd.

Could you contact COps (if you haven’t already) as they can take a look behind the scenes and see what’s going wrong :hammer_and_wrench:

I just heard back from COps and the was a technical glitch on my account. I would suggest you contact them as @crablab pointed out as could be same on yours.

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