Yeah I did that exactly, I violated terms and conditions because I was offered money. Naïve I know.
All you can do is take it one step at a time and going into branch is step #1. Take everything with you and state your case calmly and clearly so you can take onboard their advice.
Follow this, learn from your mistakes and hopefully justice will prevail.
Sounds like a plan, thank you so much
Certainly do not mean to intrude on a difficult situation, but I do wonder how this sort of situation actually arises, especially regarding the initial contact. Is it friends of friends? Random contact? Social media? God forbid, even family?
Maybe I’ve lead a sheltered life financially, but I’d not heard about this sort of situation until a year or two back
Working in AML, could be literally all of those. This sort of account hijacking is commonly used by criminals to launder money through a seemingly legitimate account.
Read some very sad cases regarding family members but usually it’s someone random offering money for access to the account.
Read this the other day which gives a bit more insight
Boggles my mind how the conversation ever starts
I’ve had a fair number of both businesses and individuals randomly ask for my money down the years, but never been offered any
But that is just my personally experience
Thanks both
Not even a Nigerian prince?
Never had the (dubious) privilege
Evidently I am missing out on a lot of modern experiences, though probably for the best
Someone does keep (badly) imitating my email domain to send “Canadian Pharmacy” emails though
Haha you’re lucky! I get those and people who have a large inheritance that they want to avoid the tax on and all sorts! It’s usually in the millions though which is an immediate red flag if anything.
The difference being is that they generally want money up front though, which also makes me curious as to how these transactions start
For example. What if you didn’t send the scammer their money back and you kept all of it, or you closed/froze your account as soon as the funds landed?
Hi, I’m currently facing the same situation and I’m suicidal as this has caused my mental health to deteriorate
I wanna know what I can do moving forward
How did you survive?
Were you able to get a job?
Where did you get you wages paid?
Is it guaranteed that banks will let you open an account even after the 6 year sentence as you are no longer trusted?
I managed to open an account with Monzo but I’m afraid they might close it
I’m worried about how I will survive University
Hi we’re on the same boat how’s it going?
If Monzo allowed you to open an account now, then as long as you do nothing silly your financial situation is only going to get better as time passes. Therefore I wouldn’t worry about them closing it.
They wouldn’t have allowed you to have an account in the first place if it was that bad
You plan to go to University and you have a bank account open. Sounds to me like steps in the right direction. Good luck with everything
No I’m 17 in college
What did you get the marker for?
I was used as a money mule and I wasn’t well educated about this so it all came as a shock to me
I’m worried about University and where to get my wages paid
Is it even guaranteed I’ll be able to open a bank account after the 6 year sentence
After 6 years your marker will be gone so your credit report will be similar to everyone elses.
Whether it’s college or university, just focus on your studies and before you know it your marker will be gone
You have a bank account now, what else are you worried about? Be grateful and worry about the other things, like getting a job, when the time comes - you might find it has no impact just like applying for a Monzo account.
Monzo is a fully licenced bank
They can’t close it without there being suspicious activity
I’m going to be 24 and I can’t receive maintenance loan or any student finances apart from tuition
I’m afraid they may close it