Need advice, cifas cat 6 marker. can I get a monzo current account

Like I said, They wouldn’t have allowed you an account in the first place if they planned on closing it.

Don’t do anymore silly things and you’ll be fine, your account will not get closed.

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You can blame me all you want but if I had known that this impacts someone else/ it was fraud I would have never agreed to it and if I could I’d pay back the loss
It’s not like I was the one who personally took the money out of their account
The person just told me that they have business accounts with loads of money and need cards to offload the money into
Yeah I guess I should be grateful for that

Oh okay thanks but I’ve heard that student finance doesn’t pay into Monzo accounts

Where did you hear that? :joy:

Course they do

Saw someone mention it in TSR

Monzo are a normal bank just like all the others. They have the same licence and need to follow the same rules.

Use your Monzo account like you would any other bank account. Send money, recieve it, standing orders, direct debits and everything inbetween.


There are loads of students on this forum who get their student loan paid to their Monzo accounts. Even a couple of minutes research will tell you that you can

oh okay then I’ll just hope for the best unless student finance does credit checks

It is a valid question though. I imagine the victims who have lost their savings will be feeling much worse.

It just puts it in perspective that a marker on their account is minor in the grand scheme of things. She hasn’t lost all her money, she isn’t potentially be being made homeless and she should be thankful she isn’t in prison. Instead life continues relatively normal for her.

It’s just a different approach to making them realise that it could have been much worse and it’s not as bad as they’re thinking it is.

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You’ve just said all that I did earlier in the topic :+1:

Thankfully they now know monzo is a real bank that can recieve student tuition and they can continue with their studies :slight_smile:

Very well said and far better than I ever could have. I’m appalled and upset by some of the posts on this thread


in fairness Im appalled at the financial education of some that think its Ok without consequences to receive money from strangers and ship that money on to others for a percentage and not be able to question why is this person wanting me to do this, and who is this affecting, and am I going to be bothered to find out before doing it, nah just take the money :slight_smile:


and they didn’t realise the consequences when they did it though - or weren’t bothered …thats the financial education they are lacking, that they didnt think first, or worse still weren’t bothered , and I appreciate they are 17 YO

" I managed to open an account with Monzo but I’m afraid they might close it "

the best thing is Monzo have given the person an account and have “allowed” them a second chance - don’t mess up again - and they have hopefully learnt their lesson of how much your life can be F**ked up by bad decisions

Think of it from the banks point of view though. How many times do you think they get people in the same situation and say they were just being silly it’d never happen again just to immediately do it again as soon as the account is open because they want the short term financial gain.

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I didn’t ask the question so I don’t know the reason behind it and nether do you. You’re waving a stick at the wrong person.

Yes. And that isn’t their fault. They know now that it is wrong and are coming to terms with the consequences. They should be applauded for that, at least.


In my mind it was valid. I’m sure it had good intentions but nothing has been said since so we don’t know.

You jumping to conclusions isn’t helping the situation

I agree they are lacking financial education , and once caught they are coming to terms with the consequences , if they weren’t caught ??? … their fault …hmmmm if somebody came up to you on the internet and said hey give me your account number and Ill put some money in to it , send it to somebody else and keep 10% would you think …yeah great , why not , or would you think why… I am basically self taught financially , yes my parents helped me , but it would ring alarm bells in my head , maybe the kids of today dont have the alarm bells…anyway as I said Monzo are now giving them another chance where other banks won’t …dont waste it