So I was going to post this under the Marketplace Feedback thread, but thinking about it, it seemed slightly broader*, so here we go:
I currently have an offset mortgage with a building society. This means that I have two accounts with them: one mortgage and one savings - and that the value of the savings account is deducted from the outstanding mortgage balance for the purposes of interest calculation.
Now, building societies (with maybe the exception of Nationwide) aren’t particularly up there with digital (or even online banking), and - had the rate not been extremely competitive - I would have likely gone with a provider with a better online/mobile service. Thinking about this over a coffee and croissant
led me to think that there are two areas where :mondo: Monzo could really help:
Including mortgages in the marketplace (duh!) but to integrate applications through Monzo’s own processes / identity checks etc so that there’s a smooth end-to-end experience
Showing the mortgage and any associated savings accounts (like my offset) in the Monzo app. Either via OpenBanking or other deep integration, let Monzo :Mondo: become the front-end for those building societies that don’t have the will, skill or inclination to produce their own app. (I say ‘deep integration’ as it’d be amazing to service the accounts properly, not just read only, through the app). This would be great even if you haven’t opened the mortgage through Monzo**
This then brought me on to thinking about the marketplace in general. Could you perhaps invert the model, so that if I apply for a new mortgage directly with the building society (or indeed a broker) then I have the option for to open a Monzo current account? Given in recent years both Coventry and Norwich and Peterborough have pulled out of this market, and are struggling with digital, this might be an interesting attack vector to establish Monzo as a banking platform (rather than an app for one current account), reducing cost for complementary service providers by effectively letting them outsource the platform to you (without doing something daft like licensing your technology
Thoughts? Is this the direction that Monzo should be heading in? Would anyone other than me find this useful / where the future’s headed?
*Though do merge it, mods, if I’ve been overexcited at the idea of creating a thread!
**I have a personal interest in this as my mortgage provider is horrible to deal with online. I mean, shockingly bad. And if I could integrate magic pots with my offset and manage it from the one app, I’d be over the moon…