Hi, i need to transfer some money urgently - every time I try I get a message saying the servers are down. Anyone else having this issue?
I am getting the same error, I expect the Monzo servers are being hit a lot right now with the Pay Early at 4pm, the feed seems slow to update at the minute, leave it half an hour and try again.
ah right I didn’t think of that. I don’t get paid until next week so never gave it a thought!
thank you
I checked on there and noted that nothing was showing.
Definitely got a solid connection
Just sent some money and it lagged massively on both Monzo users end
Yeah I am getting an error when transferring money too
I’ve had lag too - it’s the 4pm curse!
Just tried again and it worked - needed to pay my solicitors fees for my house purchase to go through tomorrow. Was beginning to panic but all sorted now
It’s just running slow, no doubt due to everyone claiming pay early.
I claimed mine early and got the notification 10 mins later to say I’d received my pay.
All seems back to normal now for me.
I just did my pay early and the animation actually reset it was that laggy - got a notification 1 minute later
Not sure if it’s just me - but is anyone finding the app really slow at the moment?
Just did the “get paid early” feature - which is great. But then had to wait a few minutes before being able to do the salary sorter. I know it’s not a long time, very everything feels delayed, those sorts then took a while to appear on the feed.
Apologies if I’ve missed another topic or anything on this
Looks like everyone desperate to get paid early.
Others saying it’s back to normal now.
Everything should be back to normal now
If anyone is experiencing any issues still, please head over to the Help tab and start a chat with us
I had the same issue but looks like it’s working now
Were there any updates to the status page?
We were talking a matter of minutes - I think it was resolved before anyone had the time to even think about a status page entry.
An after the fact update to the status page would be nice to just briefly document the problem. I’m one of the folks that loves that stuff. Frustrates me when companies don’t. Big ISPs are the worst example of that, and are a core reason why I’ll never touch them again.
I suppose it depends where you draw the line. As I understand it there was no ‘problem’ to fix - just that the volume of transactions caused things to run slowly for a few minutes.