I currently have the prepaid card which is due to be cancelled on 4th April. I cannot currently use the app as I have a phone at the moment which doesn’t support the app, however, I do want to be sent a current account card but cannot communicate this easily to Monzo as I cannot download the app. Any ideas?
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You can start the ball rolling by emailing help@monzo.com
Hi Alex, what a pickle! @tomsr’s suggestion is a good 'un (we’re always here to help), but perhaps another idea is to use a trusted family member/friend’s phone to log in to your Monzo account temporarily. Upgrade there, and then log back out.
Thank you Brenda. I have used a trusted family member/friend’s phone and upgraded there. T
Fantastic news @Abrown! Make sure you’re all logged out from there too (might need to delete and reinstall the app to take it back to the start for them to be able to log in if you don’t see an option to do so)
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Not long now!