Monzo Plus linked account balance is off

Hi, on my linked accounts all are ok except Starling. It says £119 when the balance is £8. The difference has been going up. Just refreshed it and nothing again.

Any ideas why?

Money in pots/spaces whatever they call them?


I found with some other banks that “balance” and “transactions” are separate and can drift. I.e. sometimes pending/future/transactions are visible or not, and counted in the balance or not. Very confusing as an end user. But it is the data the other end is providing and Monzo cannot tell why or correct it.

Check with Starling via over open banking it looks the way it does?

Maybe check starling view elsewhere if you have any other apps that can do it? (E.g. connect starling in Revolut app?)


Spaces are included in the overall figure.


Hi all

Yes you’re right! I totally forgot I set it up. Balance is correct then and includes spaces balance.

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