Monzo Plus - here's what's coming next!

Looks like its for people joining now at the moment :thinking:

It’ll be good if someone at Monzo could shed some light on it soon :wink: @Sheri @Jonas

I remember going through that flow when I signed up for Plus, although it wasn’t as featured as these later images show. At that point in time I declined all the ‘extra’ options and went with the base (£3pm) option only.

Now waiting for the newer options to be introduced & activated; Travel insurance, travel money, mobile cover & breakdown cover are the biggies for me.


What’s to shed light on?

They’ve consistently said that options can only be selected at sign-up for the moment. Mid-term option changes is a feature yet to be added.


As in give an update since some are seeing it in the app. It just a cheeky/joking request. Would just be good for someone from Monzo to say something, even if its “that’s not suppose to show yet - it’ll be later in Q3”


Hey all :wave:

Apologies for the confusion!

Contents insurance is now available for all new Monzo Plus customers (iOS and Android), but we’ve not built the functionality required to add it on for existing customers yet.

During Q3 we’re improving Monzo Plus and giving current customers the ability to add new products is a priority :slight_smile:


Benji (Product Manager for Monzo Plus)


Ayeeeee, thanks for the message. Looking forward to being able to add it to my account :smiley:

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Out of interest, is there a reason these features roll out to new not existing customers first?

Not a complaint, more a curiosity

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It looks like metal cards might be coming :soon::


Interesting to see both pay monthly and one off payment in there, maybe they’re still deciding if its going to be one or the other and will just toggle which ever one if need be :thinking:


To me this sounds like a simple split the cost over 12 months option, but of course could be tweaked before released.


Sometimes I feel like that’s why we are paying early bird price . Cuz we can’t add anything :joy::rofl: :sweat_smile:


I was more meaning…

Is there a reason the functionality was built for new customers over exiting customers?

Again, out of curiousity :slight_smile:


My logic would be to entice more people to use the service… But I do agree even as a Non-Plus user I think existing customers should get priority

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I have contents insurance with NatWest and pay just shy of £25.
May have to dig out the policy and see how it compares :thinking:

So far I likey very much!
If the phone insurance ends up being competitive to protect my bubble… well…just take my money!!!

Fair question :slight_smile:

Currently adding/removing products from Monzo Plus is a trickier technical challenge, based to how we do billing (mostly based around the nuances of cooling off periods). If you are new user this is simplified, as you pick all the things you want at the same time (and they all start on the same date).

This is not an indication that we value new users more than our current Plustomers; we reward loyalty at Monzo and will be doing are best to make sure everyone has the functionality they want in Q3.

Hope that helps!


So when the metal card comes out (:soon:™), will existing customers have the ability to get it, or will it also be a new plustomer only option?


The strings on the breakdown indicate that it will be available to add to a Plus subscription and be available for a one off fee to standard members.

But as existing plustomers can’t add things to their subscriptions yet, I have a suspicion we might find ourselves in a predicament where we’re paying £££ for a subscription and are the only ones who can’t get the metal cards for a few months. I can totally see them doing it as customer satisfaction hasn’t been the top priority for a while