Monzo Plus - here's what's coming next!

Didn’t even think about that. Really hoping they allow us to get metal cards at the same time as everyone else :persevere:

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I assumed that the one off fee would be for Plus customers only… I’d be happy to be corrected on that, though!


Oh god no. I hadn’t thought of that.

If it is I’ll be pretty miffed.

Personally, I can’t see it not being a Plus exclusive feature. The aim’s got to be to drive more Plus subscriptions, right? And having what’s potentially the most desirable optional feature outside Plus doesn’t seem like it’ll have that effect…

(Personally I’m waiting for the big announcement after Monzo reaches profitability that Plus is now free for everyone…)

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I still won’t join plus even for metal. :man_shrugging:

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I managed to get the £3 deal in its final hours (complete serendipity - I had no idea it was about to close). If I can get travel and mobile insurance (plus the £3) for less than the Nationwide Flex Plus account then I’m going all in.

I’d pay a bit on top of all that for a metal card - probably as a one off fee. I was unconvinced until I held one, but they’re so nice!


At the moment the maximum amount of money you can earn per month if you have £4000 in your Monzo plus is a loss of £1 with very few other perks. I love using my Monzo and have gone for the plus to show support for a great company but I eagerly anticipate more benefits because at the moment there are much more attractive options out there.

I’m in eager anticipation because what’s on the roadmap looks great!

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Anyone have a link to the Ts&Cs of the contents insurance? Does it include mobiles and laptops?

Anything under £10K I believe, although there may be restrictions. There’s a topic somewhere.

Here it is: Monzo is offering contents insurance

From the screenshots above, its with Urban Jungle. They have different levels of cover and things you can add on. The one with Monzo seems to be a fixed plan of some sort that you can choose from, but i guess we will see when someone goes through with the process to see if you can change any add ons etc to the insurance policy

Wait, so people signed up to pay monthly for a service where they were explicitly told they’d be able to bolt on extra products, but the service wasn’t designed for them to access these new products immediately?


Welcome to the Monzo way. I guess we know now why the rate was discounted for early adopters.


I wonder if somebody complained to the ombudsman whether it would be upheld in that case. They’ve marketed a product which hasn’t been delivered and people are locked into a 12 month contract

Perfect thanks (I’m an Agile PM by Trade, so that totally makes sense :-))

I doubt it. I’m not a subscriber to Monzo Plus, and haven’t paid too much attention to the fine details, but from memory, all that was promised was to add more features at some time in the future.

I do recall seeing someone from Monzo specifically saying on the forum that customers shouldn’t sign up for what might appear later, but only sign up to access the offers available at that time.


So accurate. I’m quite disappointed by so many things being done the Monzo way, but I guess we have no choice. And I haven’t found a bank I could replace them with…


I can understand these viewpoints, but I’d have to disagree.

As a plustomer, I was under no doubt I was being given early access to a new & developing product. Also that I had two options;

  1. Go for it now, at a reduced price, but with only limited features
  2. Don’t go for it, and wait for it to be released down the line.

I’ll agree that the way Monzo goes about things possibly doesnt work for everyone, but either you’re into developing products which can change or dissapear as development decisions are made, or not.

For me, personally, I’m ok with that, otherwise I would’t have gone full monzo and stayed with my legacy bank where features are developed in closed groups long before the general public get chance to play with them.



Exactly. It’s the same with any service though. You can’t change what is offered, or the way it’s offered. You can make your opinion known, but ultimately, your only choice is to stay, or to go.

Exactly this. For those who are OK to ride the ups and downs of development, Monzo works well. When the bank first launched, the whole thing was a bit ropey, with DDs not being accepted, card declines, etc. That’s mostly gone now, and as a basic bank it works reasonably well.


But surely once the final version was rolled out, you expected to be on the same product as everyone else? There now appears to be two Monzo Plus tracks.

The way I looked at early access was that there were limited add-ons at launch, and because there was no guarantee of what would be added on after, you were given a discount.